It’s the most wonderful time of the year…okay, Prime Minister’s Day isn’t Christmas, but it’s a great fake holiday if you fancy a good deal. And I really am that kind of nerd, especially when it comes to outdoor gear. So I stayed up late (most Prime Day deals were announced at midnight pacific time this morning) and looked for lots of deeply discounted products. Note: you must be a Prime member to take advantage of the sale.
Here are some of the best outdoor Prime Day deals I found that you can grab between now and the end of the day on July 17th.
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Kayaks are great, but they take up a lot of space in your garage. And that is if you have a garage. Oru fixed that problem with boats that you can fold into flat cubes when you’re not on the water. The lake weighs only 17 kilograms and folds so small that you can check it on an airplane. When you get to the lake you want to explore, you can put it together in less than a minute. And at $714, it’s 20 percent off during this Prime Day deal.

If you don’t have a solo stove yet, now is the time to pull the trigger. Their super popular Bonfire 2.0 is 30 percent off right now, knocking over $100 off the typical price. And this deal comes with the stand, which raises the fire pit off the ground, helping to increase airflow while allowing you to use the stainless fire pit on a deck. This is the same family size fire pit I have in my backyard and I have become completely addicted to the smokeless aspect of this product. Honestly, I have a hard time sitting around a regular fire after using Bonfire for so long.

Another essential appliance is heavily discounted right now, with Yeti’s iconic Tundra 35 cooler 30 percent off for Prime Day. It’s big enough to hold 20 feather cans, and if you load it with ice, it’ll stay cold for 24 hours thanks to three inches of PermaFrost insulation. It’s heavy (it weighs 20 pounds empty), but it’s also certified bear-resistant.

This is, hands down, the best water bottle I own. And I have many bottles in my cabinets. Holds 40 ounces, has a wide mouth opening, and keeps water cold for up to 24 hours. That’s all great, but I keep this bottle because it’s absolutely leak proof and dishwasher safe, which means I don’t have to hand wash it every night. The stainless steel coating also means you’re only enjoying the water – not the lingering aromas from previous drinks. Buy now for about $14 less than sticker price.

Osprey makes some of my favorite packs and their quality carries over to the Duro, a vest that’s built for running. A rear sleeve holds a 1.5 liter tank with a tube that loops around and secures to the chest so you can stay hydrated on the go, while the front vest panels are strategically designed with pockets that will hold all the essentials your phone and keys. . There’s even an attachment point for a trekking pole or ice ax if you’re really wild on your trail runs. I’ve done a few long runs and races with this pack and I love it. It’s 34 percent off right now.

You don’t always need the LifeStraw water filter, but when you do, you’ll be glad it’s in your pack. This personal water filter acts like a straw that removes 99.9999 percent of bacteria and parasites from water from streams and ponds. It weighs only 1.6 ounces and a single LifeStraw will filter 1,000 gallons of water, so you can keep this in your pack and have peace of mind for years to come. It’s 50 percent off on Prime Day.

The Headout is an aggressive hiker built to tackle tough terrain, with an upper that combines breathable mesh with durable leather and Keen’s patented multi-directional outsole that provides traction and stability when the trail gets rough. There’s a soft cushion layer that flips back when you’re moving fast, and the whole thing is waterproof, so feel free to wade through those puddles. It’s a steal at 29 percent off for Prime Day.

Coleman makes some of the most iconic car camping stoves and for this Two-in-One Table, they took their simple two-burner design and gave it a miniature grill. One side has a standard stove burner, and the other has a 130-inch grill. You can shred steaks and cook pasta in the same appliance at the same time. Offers 20,000 BTUs of cooking power distributed between two cooking surfaces. The lid turns into a wind shield (the pleats fold to the side) and you can remove the grates from the grate and burner to wipe the system once the grate has cooled. It’s 19 percent off, so if you need a car camping grill, go for it.

It’s hard to remember life before CamelBaks, but I can tell you it wasn’t great. You had to carry a lot of water bottles and stop pedaling to get those bottles out of your pack. The Hydrobak takes CamelBak’s winning platform and boils it down to the essentials: This small pack holds a 50-ounce bladder and has a small pocket big enough for your essentials, making it perfect for a two-hour ride. It’s a minimalist design that’s perfect for cyclists who just want to stay hydrated without all the frills.

Need an over-engineered cup of coffee? If you’ve ever taken a sip of lukewarm coffee at 11:00 a.m. from a standard cup, then you know the answer to that question is “yes.” The Rambler’s double-wall insulated design keeps 14 ounces of hot java hot for hours, and the tight-fitting lid is a pleasure to drink from. I have some. I love them and they are 30 percent off so I might as well pick some up.

If you haven’t dealt with “crib life” while car camping, do yourself a favor and take the plunge. Getting off the ground and into a crib while sleeping in a tent makes the whole situation feel more civilized. Coleman’s Camping Cot is a queen-sized bed with a plush air mattress for maximum front-country comfort. There are also two side tables with cup holders. You are basically having fun using this thing.

Okay, technically this isn’t a day one deal. This is a “Limited Time” deal on Amazon, but right now the latest GoPro model is $100, making it only slightly more expensive than the GoPro Hero11 that’s on sale for Prime Day. So I feel like it’s a no-brainer to step up to the Hero12, which is their most advanced camera to date, with new NDR 5.3K and 4K video and improved video stabilization that makes video shot even in the shakiest situations seem to have been shot. on a fence. It has twice the runtime of previous models and has Bluetooth audio support for headphones and microphones. It’s 25 percent off right now, knocking $100 off the regular sticker price.