Will we have more earthquakes due to climate change?

Earthquakes are one of the most mysterious and frightening natural disasters. Although we have some idea of ​​when the big ones might happen, the others can seemingly happen from nowhere, bulldozing the cities and the creation of secondary disasters such as FIRES, landslides AND tsunami. Climate change is causing an increase in other natural disasters, such as wildfires and hurricanes. It can do so earthquakes even more common?

The largest and most dangerous type of earthquake is a tectonic earthquake. These earthquakes occur because of plate tectonics, the massive plates of rock that make up the Earth crust and upper mantle. Heat emanating from deep within the planet causes these plates to move moderately half an inch (1.5 centimeters) per year, making them rub against each other. The pressure in those areas builds up until it reaches a breaking point where the plates will suddenly move, releasing energy that causes earthquakes.

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