NASA tracked two near-Earth asteroids, capturing important data about their trajectories and physical characteristics using radar technology that supports ongoing planetary defense efforts. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:
The Deep Space Network’s Goldstone planetary radar had a busy few days observing asteroids 2024 MK and 2011 UL21 as they safely passed Earth.
Researchers in NASAJet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Southern California recently tracked two asteroids as they flew by our planet. One turned out to have a small moon orbiting it, while the other was discovered just 13 days before its closest approach to Earth.
Although there was no danger that any of the near-Earth objects would impact our planet, the radar observations made during these two close approaches will provide valuable practice for planetary defense, as well as information on sizes, orbits, rotation, surface details, and their data as. for their composition and formation.

The Goldstone Solar System Radar, part of NASA’s Deep Space Network, made these observations of the recently discovered 500-foot (150-meter-wide) asteroid 2024 MK, which made its closest approach—within about 184,000 miles (295,000 kilometers). of the Earth – on June 29. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Insights from the 2011 UL21 Asteroid Meeting
Passing Earth on June 27 at a distance of 4.1 million miles (6.6 million kilometers), or about 17 times the distance between the Moon and Earth, asteroid 2011 UL21 was discovered in 2011 by the NASA-funded Catalina Sky Survey, in Tucson. Arizona. But this is the first time it has come close enough to Earth to be photographed by radar. While the nearly mile-wide (1.5 kilometer wide) object is classified as potentially hazardous, calculations of its future orbits indicate that it will not pose a threat to our planet for the foreseeable future.

The Goldstone Solar System Radar (GSSR) is a large radar system used to probe objects in the Solar System. Located in the desert near Barstow, California, it includes a 500 kW (8500 MHz) X-band transmitter and a low-noise receiver on the 70 m DSS 14 antenna at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex. Credit: NASA
Using the Deep Space Network’s 230-foot (70-meter) Goldstone Solar System Radar, called Deep Space Station 14 (DSS-14), near Barstow, California, JPL scientists transmitted radio waves to the asteroid and picked up the signals reflected from same antenna. In addition to determining that the asteroid is roughly spherical, they discovered that it is a binary system: A smaller asteroid, or moon, orbits it from a distance of about 1.9 miles (3 kilometers).
“About two-thirds of asteroids of this size are thought to be binary systems, and their discovery is particularly important because we can use measurements of their relative positions to estimate their mutual orbits, masses and densities, which provide key information about how they may have formed,” said Lance Benner, principal scientist at JPL who helped lead the observations.

These seven radar observations from the Deep Space Network’s Goldstone Solar System Radar show the mile-wide asteroid 2011 UL21 during its June 27 close approach to Earth from about 4 million miles away. The asteroid and its small moon (a bright dot at the bottom of the image) are circled in white. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The second narrow approach
Two days later, on June 29, the same team observed asteroid 2024 MK pass our planet from a distance of just 184,000 miles (295,000 kilometers), or just over three-quarters of the distance between the Moon and Earth. About 500 feet (150 meters) across, this asteroid appears to be elongated and angular, with prominent flat and rounded areas.
For these observations, the scientists also used DSS-14 to transmit radio waves to the object, but they used Goldstone’s 114-foot (34-meter) DSS-13 antenna to receive the signal that bounced off the asteroid and back to Earth. The result of this “bistatic” radar observation is a detailed image of the asteroid’s surface, revealing concavities, ridges and boulders about 30 feet (10 meters) across.

Because close approaches from asteroids the size of 2024 MK are relatively rare, JPL’s planetary radar team gathered as much information as possible about the near-Earth object. This mosaic shows the spinning asteroid increasing by one minute about 16 hours after its closest approach to Earth. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Close approaches of near-Earth objects the size of 2024 MK are relatively rare, occurring on average every two decades, so the JPL team tried to gather as much data as possible about the object. “This was an incredible opportunity to investigate the physical properties and obtain detailed images of a near-Earth asteroid,” Benner said.

Collected in this animation, observations from NASA’s Goldstone Solar System Radar show the falling asteroid 2024 MK shortly after it made its closest approach to our planet on June 29. The 150-meter-wide asteroid’s orbit was slightly altered by Earth’s gravity as it passed. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Contributions to planetary protection
Asteroid 2024 MK was first reported on June 16 by the NASA-funded Asteroid End-to-Earth Warning System (ATLAS) at the Sutherland Observatory in South Africa. Its orbit was altered by Earth’s gravity as it passed, reducing its 3.3-year orbital period around the Sun by about 24 days. Although it is classified as a potentially dangerous asteroid, calculations of its future motion show that it does not pose a threat to our planet for the foreseeable future.
The Goldstone Solar System Radar Group is supported by NASA’s Near-Earth Object Observations Program within the Planetary Defense Coordination Office at the agency’s headquarters in Washington. Managed by JPL, the Deep Space Network receives programmatic oversight from the Space Communications and Navigation Program Office within the Space Operations Mission Directorate, also at NASA Headquarters.